Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dorothy Armstrong Has Passed

Rumors are flying that Dorothy "Dotty" Armstrong Mattson, daughter of the late Herbert W Armstrong, died recently. We are attempting to confirm the rumor.

COGWriter did report on Dorothy's death.
Thanks Max and Richard for the confirmation.

Death is always a sad occasion. Even though we here have more than our fair share of disagreements with HWA, we don't hold any of that against his family in any way shape or form (we're even trying to forgive him; God have mercy on his soul.) If certain other rumors that we will not mention here are true, she is more the victim than many of us will ever be. Our hearts go out to all who were involved in Armstrongism. May she rest in peace.


Richard said...

Robert Thiel posted this news a few days ago.

Redfox712 said...

I am sorry to hear this sad news.

My thoughts are with them.

I have posted a link on my blog.

Anonymous said...

It appeared on the Painful Truth first, and I posted about it as soon as I saw it, in May. Can't trust The Journal for "current news of the Churches of God" anymore!!

And a longer comment to that same effect didn't make the cut, on Otagosh.....

cbmilne33 said...

Herbert w Armstrong,Dorothy Mattson nee Armstrong and other related family members are on the genealogy site care of myself etc.