Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ahem.... Inauguration 2009

We all remeber Ron Weinland delivering what he said was prophesy from God. We remember Ron telling  us that the next president might be voted in, but he would not take office. 

Yet, once again, Ron Weinland is wrong. We have a new president today.  Barack Obama has taken the office of the presidency.

Once again, we are shown that he has received no message, no prophesy, from God.

It is no longer 2008, it has come and gone.

It is 2009, making his book, 2008 God's Final Witness, of no pertinence, no significance, no consequence. 

Nothing more need be said.

It is important that you understand; Everything on this blog is based on my current understanding. Never take anyone's word for it, always prove it for yourself, it is your responsibility. You cannot ride someone else's coattail into the Kingdom.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well, here we are, 2009. 

The book: 2008 God's Final Witness is no longer pertinent. After all, The title is not 2009 GFW. If 2008 was so significant, how is it no one noticed? 
So now what? 2008 is gone. 
Must we now wait to see if Barack Obama does not takes office at noon on January 20TH as RW said? What of the deaths of the OWCG ministers that he 'prophesied'? How many times has RW changed his time-lines and stories? I don't think it matters. He's been proven wrong time and time again. Truly, once is enough. I'm not familiar with a final great tribulation that no one is aware of, other than COG-PKG members.

I'm sorry for those of you he has taken advantage of. I'm sorry for the losses you have endured; time, money, hope, broken marriages, broken family ties, etc. But remember, your families are there for you. Please don't reject God because of what you have endured at the hands of RW, he is not God's representative. 

The truth is in your Bible and you don't have to have a leader to know God's truth. Jesus said He would send the Councilor, the Holy Spirit, who would teach us all things. I've said it before, I'll say it again; if you truly want to know God's truth, regardless of what that truth is, then ask Him and He will reveal it to you. I believe this wholeheartedly.

Hang on to your faith in God. 

In God's love,


It is important that you understand; Everything on this blog is based on my current understanding. Never take anyone's word for it, always prove it for yourself, it is your responsibility. You cannot ride someone else's coattail into the Kingdom.