Friday, March 8, 2013


It's not every day I get to write a post for As Bereans Did. There have been no "new" posts here for two years. Seeker said there might eventually be a post here some day. I am honored to announce that today's the day!!

Two years is a long pause. Please excuse our absence! I'm thankful that people still come here to read our material even after all this time. I've kept up on comments, so we never truly left. That isn't the same as being actively here for you, though. We are going to fix that.

It occurred to us recently that there is still more to say.
More glorifying the work of Jesus our Lord and Savior. More uplifting messages of hope for people in a Church of God splinter group who don't know why they're there anymore. More encouragement that there is a New Covenant and all you need is to step into it. More reader testimonials to share so you can know you're not alone. More in-depth analysis on faulty truth-claims. More fresh perspectives on old ideas. And a few things more for us to learn, too, as we go along.
We didn't want to start a new blog to bring this to you when this one is already here. So instead we brought in new writers.

I would like to welcome the first of our new writers, James D. H. Bruce, to the team. I know I can't wait to read what he has to say. He'll be putting up a hello post soon.

We'll be announcing more new writers as they are ready. I'm incredibly excited. As for now, we've got some re-tooling to do and some dust to blow off the Ethernet. I hope you like the new look! It's clean, it's bright, it represents the powerful God we serve and the bright future we have in His Son.

For readers out there who are new to As Bereans Did, welcome! Please take your time, relax, and learn with us. For the old stalwart readers, welcome back, it's good to have you here.

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